
Signs You Might have a Nutrient Deficiency

Life has become way more chaotic than it was a few decades ago. Nowadays, no one has time to relax, go on vacations, or even just get a moment to themselves, all thanks to this fast-paced life. The biggest downside to this lifestyle is missing out on a healthy and nutrient-rich diet. While not resting much and avoiding vacations can still be dealt with, a diet lacking the necessary nutrients could lead to several deficiencies like fatigue, excessive hair fall, and forgetfulness.

Nutritional deficiencies are frequently characterized by a variety of symptoms that most people ignore and leave untreated for years. This only worsens the situation and eventually leads to a deficiency. But how do you figure it out during the early stages? Don’t worry; we've got you covered. In this blog, we'll review the most common signs of nutrient deficiencies and talk about the best ways to improve vitamin levels to deal with these deficiencies.

Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency

Let us review some common symptoms and how they could be early signs of a nutrient deficiency you might be experiencing: -

  1. Hair Loss

Everyone loses around 100 strands of hair a day. This is completely normal. But when you start to notice thinning hair and clumps of hair on your pillows or shower drain, chances are you might be low on iron, zinc, and vitamin D. Keep reading to find out what role these nutrients play when it comes to maintaining a luscious mane.

  • Lack of Iron

Iron contributes to the production of Hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles to help them grow and keep them nourished from within. Without enough iron, your hair won't grow or will grow progressively thin.

  • Lack Of Zinc 

Lack of zinc is another cause of weak hair or hair loss. Zinc is crucial for protein synthesis, and its deficiency may also damage the hair.

  • Lack of Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes hair growth and the formation of new and old hair follicles. Without enough vitamin D, hair growth can be stunted.

How to Fix It – While it can take around three to six months to see improvement in hair texture, growth, and overall health, being consistent with your diet and supplements can help counter this deficiency. 


  • Foods rich in Iron: Spinach, beans, oysters, lentils, etc.

  • Foods Rich In Vitamin D: Fatty fish, fortified orange juice, cod liver oil, etc. Don't forget to spend some time in the sun.

  • Foods Rich In Zinc: Nuts, cashews, almonds, etc.


There are plenty of vitamin D3, zinc, and iron supplements that help provide your body with the necessary nutrients and reduce hair fall. Most of these supplements are enriched with other potent ingredients like Keranat to help increase the thickness of the collagen layer and make the hair root stronger.

  1. Fatigue

Constant tiredness and fatigue can make it difficult to perform and work efficiently. And it could be due to a variety of nutrient deficiencies.

  • Lack of Vitamin B Complex

A lack of vitamin B complex, particularly vitamin B12, can have a direct impact on the health of your red blood cells. It affects the transportation of oxygen throughout the body, leading to tiredness, fatigue, and even anemia. Also, the lack of B vitamins hampers the production of energy in the mitochondria, further contributing to making you feel tired and lethargic.

  • Lack Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another crucial vitamin whose deficiency can lead to fatigue in the body. Fatigue is the first sign of anemia and a common symptom of iron deficiency. Anemia or IDA occurs when your body doesn't have enough red blood cells to fulfil the body's demand for oxygen or is unable to produce enough hemoglobin that enables them to carry oxygen, resulting in a feeling of tiredness, fatigue, and eventually anemia. 

How to Fix It


  • Foods rich in Vitamin B12: Eggs, fish, dairy products, shiitake mushrooms, etc. 

  • Foods rich in vitamin D: Salmon, cod liver oil, etc. Sunlight is probably the best and most natural source of vitamin D.

  • Foods rich in iron: Dark green veggies, nuts, dried fruit, etc.


Unfortunately, there are not enough options for vitamin B12-rich foods for vegans. Here’s where vegan B12 supplements come to the rescue. Some of these supplements are enriched with a bioactive form of B12, along with folate and BacoMind®️, to increase energy levels and promote cognitive health.

Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 supplements are also helpful in treating fatigue, improving immunity, and boosting energy levels in the body. Vegan vitamin D supplementation can also boost energy levels from within the cells. 

  1. Scaly Patches and Dandruff

Scaly patches, or seborrheic dermatitis, is a skin condition that causes itchy, flaky, and dry skin, as well as dandruff. These conditions are quite common and are most likely to occur during the first three months of life, puberty, and adulthood.

There are several reasons behind these skin conditions, and vitamin deficiency is one of them. Vitamin deficiencies that cause dry skin are: -

Lack of Vitamin A – Vitamin A is needed for the regeneration and growth of skin cells, a deficiency of this can lead to the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface, causing problems such as eczema, dandruff, etc.

Lack of Zinc – Inadequate amounts of zinc in the body can cause several skin problems, including dry scalp, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. Zinc enhances repair function, helps reduce inflammation, and promotes skin healing. Therefore, choose a diet rich in zinc-rich foods to protect your skin.

Lack of B Vitamins – Lack of B vitamins can affect the working of almost every part of the body, including your skin. These vitamins synthesize proteins, carbs, and fats required by the skin and hair. B12, B9, and B6 are essential for hydrating the skin, which otherwise can lead to dry and flaky skin. B2 is also essential for skin and lip hydration, while B1 helps delay aging.

How to Fix It


  • Foods rich in Vitamin B: Potatoes, starchy vegetables, eggs, fortified cereals, etc.

  • Foods rich in Vitamin A: Carrots, spinach, chicken, beef, soybeans, etc.

  • Foods rich in Zinc: Beans, nuts, oysters, red meat, etc.


A tweak in your diet won’t be enough to bridge that nutritional gap! This is where supplements come to the rescue. When it comes to dandruff, opt for supplements rich in folic acid, zinc, biotin, and piperine to improve scalp health and reduce dandruff. 

  1. Weaker Bones

We tend to become weaker in the bones as we age. After the age of 30–35, our body starts losing its bone density, thus causing discomfort in carrying out daily activities. Three nutrient deficiencies are primarily to blame:

Lack of Collagen - When we talk about bone strength, we only think about calcium. The reality is that bones are primarily made of a protein called collagen. After the age of 20–25, your body produces less collagen every year. Decreased production of collagen is a major cause of low bone density. 

Lack of Calcium - Although collagen makes up the majority of bones, they also contain calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Low calcium consumption increases the risk of breakage, rapid bone loss, and decreased bone density.

Lack of Vitamin D - Vitamin D is crucial for bone absorption. Hence, only consuming foods rich in calcium won’t do much for your bone health; you have to work on the absorption capacity too. 

How to fix it?

Calcium, collagen, and vitamin D levels can be recovered via a targeted diet. If a targeted diet seems unattainable, then you can rely on supplementation to fulfill your nutritional needs.


  • Foods rich in Calcium - Milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Vegans can try veggies like okra and kale.

  • Foods rich in Collagen - Fish, Chicken, and egg whites. For vegans, red and yellow veggies, garlic, and berries are great alternatives.

  • Foods rich in Vitamin D - Soak enough sun and include fatty fish, fortified orange juice, cod liver oil, etc. in your diet. 


You can buy different supplements for each of these nutrients. However, a cost-effective way would be to soak in ample free sun and buy a bone support supplement. 

5. Slow Healing of Wounds

Some people’s wounds dry faster, but for some, it takes weeks or months. Slow healing of wounds is usually common in diabetic patients because high glucose levels inhibit nutrient absorption. Nutrient deficiencies that slow down the healing process are:

Lack of Vitamin A - Vitamin A is responsible for controlling the inflammatory response, growth of epithelial and bone tissues, and cellular differentiation. 

Lack of Vitamin B - Vitamin B plays a major role in healing wounds. It is required for binding collagen proteins, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and the formation of healthy red blood cells that supply oxygen to the affected site. 

Lack of Vitamin C - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen and is a fantastic antioxidant that helps in the healing process. 

Lack of Protein - All your muscles and bones are made of protein (e.g., collagen), so protein is essential for the repair of wounds. 

How to fix it?

If you do have diabetes, you might want to bring your sugar levels under control to ensure proper absorption of nutrients. Follow a diet rich in nutrients, and your nutrient levels will slowly get back to normal.


  • Foods rich in Vitamin A: Spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, mango, papaya, and red peppers 

  • Foods rich in Vitamin B: Broccoli, cabbage, kale, peas, chickpeas, seafood, eggs, and liver

  • Foods rich in Vitamin C: - Citrus fruits, blackcurrants, broccoli, potatoes, and peppers

  • Foods rich in Protein: Oysters, clams, shrimp, meat, eggs, and peanuts 


Since a lot of vitamins play a part in healing wounds, the most practical approach to fixing this nutrient deficiency is to consume multivitamin supplements that provide you with all the vitamins you need every day. When looking for multivitamin supplements, please consider the one with the highest RDA (recommended dietary allowance). If your diet lacks protein, you can use some natural protein supplements to fill the gaps.

Why are Supplements Important When it Comes to Preventing Nutrient Deficiencies?

Aside from the fact that it is difficult to include a wide variety of foods in your daily diet, your fruits and vegetables also lose their nutrients during various stages of processing. This makes it difficult to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients from the food itself. Due to the fact that it can be difficult to include a wide variety of foods rich in different vitamins and nutrients to improve nutrient levels, taking a multivitamin supplement or a supplement rich in a particular nutrient, according to your needs, is the safest option. However, don't forget to check with your doctor to see if you should take the supplement.

Wrapping Up

The best way to avoid nutritional deficiencies is to stick to a well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle. However, if you can't tolerate a particular food, over-the-counter supplements and multivitamins would be good options. But remember, nutrition via food must be your first pick. Also, it is important to note that not all symptoms are just because of nutritional deficiencies. There can be several other reasons too, so it is best to consult your doctor before making any major change in diet.


  • Borda LJ, Wikramanayake TC. Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff: A Comprehensive Review. J Clin Investig Dermatol. 2015 Dec;3(2):10.13188/2373-1044.1000019. doi: 10.13188/2373-1044.1000019. Epub 2015 Dec 15. PMID: 27148560; PMCID: PMC4852869. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4852869/ 

  • Zhang X, Luo B, Mo H, Liao L, Wang S, Du J, Liu Q, Liang Y. Clinical Evaluation of Sequential Transdermal Delivery of Vitamin B6, Compound Glycyrrhizin, Metronidazole, and Hyaluronic Acid Using Needle-Free Liquid Jet in Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Oct 30;7:555824. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.555824. PMID: 33195305; PMCID: PMC7662080. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7662080/ 

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