When to consume?All of our products are created with optimal absorption in mind. We generally recommend that you take our supplements together with your meal such as breakfast or lunch.
Serving size : 1 capsules (after breakfast or lunch)
Total Servings : 60

To gently enhance digestion

Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Wellbeing Nutrition GUT HEALTH the best supplement for Gut?Wellbeing Nutrition SLOW capsules are Non-GMO and more bioavailable than traditional tablets/capsules/sugar filled gummies. Delayed release nanotechnology is designed to release slowly over 8 hours, in the absorptive, less sensitive areas of your gut to ensure maximum bioavailability of the nutrients.Our innovative capsule in capsule formula is designed to deliver potent prebiotic and multistrain probiotic in daily serving in fast acting vegan omega oil.
What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut ?Irregular bowel movements, IBS, Bloating, Low immunity, Poor skin health, increased sugar cravings, frequent stomach discomfort or upset etc are some of the main symptoms of an unhealthy gut.
How can I heal my gut naturally ?Diet and Lifestyle modifications both help in Gut healing. It is advisable to reduce consumption of packed, processed foods, excessive caffeine, gluten, and alcohol. Include GUT friendly foods like fresh fruits, yogurt, curd, fermented foods, broths, collagen, leafy greens, nuts in addition to pre+probiotics. SLOW Gut Health is an ideal supplement to help heal your GUT & support healthy digestion with prebiotics and multi strain probiotics.
What is the benefit of using Vegan DHA/ Omega-3 along with Pre & Probiotics ?The delayed release nanotechnology of slow release capsule in Vegan DHA oil is used for better absorption of probiotics. Our slow release capsule allows 20 billion CFU's to survive stomach acid, bile & oxidation providing overall health benefits.
Does it contain Wheat Dextrin ?No, instead of Wheat Dextrin, we have used Fructo-oligosaccharide as Fiber from Sugarcane.
Is it OK to take this on a daily basis ?Yes! In fact, it is recommended to take Prebiotics and Probiotics daily. This helps with issues like IBS, bloated stomach, stomach upset, digestion problems, and provides complete gut health.
Will prolonged consumption cause any side effects ?Absolutely not. All our products are US FDA approved and Non-GMO, making it totally safe to consume for as long as you like.
What are the strains or codes of the different species of bacteria in this bottle ?Per serving it provides 4 strains : Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus & Lactobacillus plantarum.
What is the source of prebiotic fiber used in this ?FOS ( Fructo-oligosaccharide) as fiber from Sugarcane is used as the source of the prebiotic fiber.
Does it need to be refrigerated ?No it does not require refrigeration as the bacteria is freeze dried. We recommend storing your bottle in a cool, dry place away from moisture.
Who can take this supplement ?It is specially curated for individuals with GI issues like abdominal discomfort, constipation, IBS, flatulence and bloating.
Can Diabetics take this supplement ?Yes, it has no added sugar and recommended safe for Diabetics to consume this supplement.
Does it have an aftertaste ?No, it does not. Each capsule is essenced with mint coating that eliminates the aftertaste.
Is it GMO Free ?Yes it is Non-GMO, and also Gluten, Soy & major allergy free.
Is it safe for children ?Yes it is safe for children above 12 years and above.