How to consume?Place a melts<sup>®️</sup> strip on your tongue and allow it to dissolve.
When to consume?You can take a strip post lunch or dinner.
Iron out your issues!
<p>Feel weak often, or fatigued all day? Do you bruise easily, or feel dizzy often? Chances are, you have an iron deficiency. Try melts<sup>®️</sup> Vital Iron – a small strip that dissolves in your mouth and works from within to boost natural iron absorption in your body! <br/> Pick up it if you have:</p>
Iron Defeciencies
Low Haemoglobin Count
Chronic Fatigue
Frequent Spells of Sickness
Recurring Headaches/Dizziness
Unhealthy Pale Skin
Small Strip. Big Benefits.
Say goodbye to your iron deficiency with <br> natural ingredients that work in synergy.
Folic Acid
Pumpkin Seeds
Acerola <br/>Cherry
Have questions?
We’ve got the answers!
Do I need water to take melts?No. Each melts<sup>®️</sup> variant has been made using German Nano Technology. These thin oral strips are delivered sublingually (i.e., they literally melt on your tongue) and can be consumed anytime, anywhere, without water.
I have difficulty swallowing pills and syrups. Will that be a problem?We created melts<sup>®️</sup>to avoid any such concerns. There are no swallowing difficulties as each strip directly melts in your mouth.
How many strips are there in 1 pack? How long would a pack last me?Each box contains 30 oral strips. Consume one strip a day, and it will last you 30 days. A whole month’s supply!
How long do I need to continue taking melts<sup>®️</sup> to see results?Just like all nutritional and dietary supplements, melts<sup>®️</sup> oral strips should be taken for a minimum of 6-8 weeks to see visible results.
Are there any side-effects of prolonged consumption?Absolutely not. All our products are US FDA approved and 100% Plant Based, making it totally safe to consume for as long as you like.
Do I need a prescription to consume melts<sup>®️</sup>?No, you do not need any prescription to consume any of the melts<sup>®️</sup> products. However, if you are pregnant or a lactating mother, please consult your doctor before consumption of any dietary supplements or prenatal vitamins.
How do I use melts<sup>®️</sup> strips?Slide the tin up, peel open the pouch, pull out an all-natural melts<sup>®️</sup> strip and place it on your tongue. Enjoy the tasty flavor as it melts into your bloodstream and delivers just the right amount of organic nutrition your body needs!
What does iron do in the human body?If you are wondering how to improve haemoglobin and how to increase RBC count, look no further than providing your body with sufficient Iron. It is an essential micronutrient that the body needs for growth and development, to make haemoglobin (to carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body), to increase the production of red blood cells, to reduce tiredness, fatigue and to support the normal function of the immune system.
How much iron should a pregnant woman take daily?During pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman’s body increases, so she needs more iron for herself and her growing baby. It is recommended for pregnant women to take at least 27 milligrams (mg) of Iron everyday. However, it is best to consult a doctor beforehand and adjust Iron supplement intake according to individual requirements.
Are iron supplements safe during pregnancy?Yes, consumption of iron supplements that are 100% Plant Based like melts<sup>®️</sup> Nano Iron oral strips, with no side effects, is safe during pregnancy.However, we still recommend doing so under the guidance of an obstetrician or other healthcare provider.
How much iron supplement should a woman take?Iron supplements for women are essential to make up for the amount of iron lost during menstruation. The amount of iron an average adult woman under the age of 50 needs at least 14.8 mg a day and for women over 50, at least 8.7 mg a day. Necessary for women’s health, this requirement can be easily met by taking a strip of melts<sup>®️</sup> Nano Iron daily.
Does iron cause weight gain?No, in fact, weight gain is more likely to be a side effect of the iron deficiency itself than the iron supplement used to treat it. Sufficient iron is needed to activate thyroid hormones involved in metabolism.
When should I take iron, morning or night?If you want to improve your hemoglobin levels, or prevent anemia or iron deficiency then melts® Nano Iron is ideal for you. A strip of melts® Nano Iron is best taken after consuming a full meal ( lunch or dinner) at least for 6-8weeks to reap the benefits.
Can I take iron supplements daily?Yes, Absolutely ! melts®️ Nano Iron supplement contains 100% Plant Based, iron rich foods like Pumpkin Seeds, Organic Swiss Chard, Spinach, Beetroot, Acerola Cherry, Folic Acid and Iron extracted from a microencapsulated salt. These tasty and super effective thin oral strips are gentle on the stomach and do not cause any nausea, which makes them ideal and fit for daily consumption.
What is unique about Wellbeing Nutrition's Nano Iron melts?Iron for women is extremely crucial as they are more prone to Iron deficiency, anemia and low hemoglobin levels. Unlike traditional <a href='https://wellbeingnutrition.com/collections/slow-time-release-2-in-1-capsules'>multivitamin tablets for women</a> that do not provide complete requirements of Iron, Nano Iron supplement provides 100% of the daily requirement of Iron. Melts Nano Iron is easy to consume, non-nauseating, non-constipating and gentle on the stomach, unlike other iron supplements. It is formulated with 100% Plant-Based & iron-rich foods like Pumpkin Seeds, Organic Swiss Chard, Spinach, Beetroot. Vitamin C from Acerola Cherry and Folic Acid enhances the absorption of Iron. These tasty and super effective thin oral strips are gentle on the stomach and do not cause any nausea, which makes them ideal and fit for daily consumption.
Can athletes consume Wellbeing Nutriton's Nano Iron supplements?Yes, absolutely! Nano iron melts will be beneficial for athletes as it provides 100% of the daily iron requirement which is not possible to get from diet solely. Iron is a trace mineral that is highly significant to endurance athletes. <a href='https://wellbeingnutrition.com/blogs/listing/iron-supplements-why-are-they-important'>Iron supplements</a> are vital to maintain normal iron levels which are critical to optimal athletic performance because of their role in energy metabolism, oxygen transport, and acid-base balance. Athletes lose more iron due to heavy sweating as well as increased blood loss in the urine and GI tract. Red blood cells also break down more quickly in those who exercise.